Korean Prawn and Spring Onion Pancake

Recipe serves 3-4 


For the pancake batter: 

- 2 cups flour

- 2 tbsp cornstarch

- 1 tsp salt

- 2 eggs

- 1.5 cups water

For the pancake: 

- 150g shrimp, chopped into chunks

- 4 stalks spring onion, sliced into strips

- 1 carrot, julienned

- 1 zucchini, julienned

- Extra sliced spring onions and sesame seeds to serve

For the dipping sauce: 

- 4tbsp soy sauce

- 2tbsp apple cider vinegar

- 1tsp Korean chili flakes

- 1tbsp finely chopped spring onions

- 2tsp sesame seeds


- Add your chopped carrots and zucchini to a pan on medium heat with a drizzle of oil, and cook until slightly browned

- Mix the ingredients for the pancake batter together, and then add in your prawns, spring onions, carrots and zucchini

- Heat oil in a pan on medium heat, and add in about 1/2 cup of pancake batter per pancake, frying on each side until golden brown

- Place the pancakes on a paper towel to drain before topping with extra spring onions and sesame seeds

- Whisk your ingredients for the dipping sauce together, and serve alongside your pancakes


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