Smoked Salmon Tart

Recipe makes 1 tart


- 100g smoked salmon

- 1 sheet puff pastry

- 10g dill, roughly chopped

- 2 tsp capers

- 2 tsp pickled mustard seeds

- 1 tbsp pickled red onions

- 60g cream cheese

- 1 tbsp za’atar

- 2 tsp black and white sesame seeds

- Egg wash: 1 egg whisked with 1tbsp water


- Preheat your oven to 200C. Roll out your puff pastry on a sheet of baking paper and lightly score a one inch border around the edges. Using a fork, prick the base of the puff pastry, but not the border. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle za’atar and sesame seeds around the edge. Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown.

- Push down the base of the puff pastry if puffed up. Spread cream cheese in the centre and lay over your smoked salmon. Top with dill, capers, pickled onions, pickled mustard seeds and season with black pepper and salt. Slice before serving.


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