Sweet Potato Fries

Seasoned with za’atar and cumin

Recipe serves 4-6:


- 6 medium sweet potatoes

- 2 tbsp cornflour

- 1 tsp cumin

- 2 tsp za’atar

- 6 tbsp olive oil

- To garnish: herbs, lime or parmesan cheese


- Preheat the oven to 190C

- Peel and slice sweet potatoes into fries

- Place in cold water for a minimum of 30 minutes (optional but helps to remove starch).

- Drain and dry thoroughly before tossing with corn flour, cumin and za’atar. Season with salt and pepper.

- Toss with olive oil

- Arrange your fries on baking sheets with space in between. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until starting to brown

- Take out and let cool, then season to taste. Garnish with herbs of your choice or parmesan.


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